[ramuearuvd] Download PGF Now Fonts Family From PeGGO Fonts
Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 2 Download Now Server 3 Geometric Sans with Humanistic proportions Typeface (Roman a.k.a. ‘Capitalis Monumentalis’ ), Inspired on vintage minimalism, with a subtle Art Déco air, where the configuration of the basic and open shape (long ascenders/descenders and a moderate ‘x’ height) star a crisp and luminous look, manufactured under an analytical and handmade process as used to be in ancient times. Among its graphic virtues are a special focus on relaxed and fluid reading rhythm while looking clear and sophisticated, an upright version representing a formal voice paired with an Italic with a more expressive vocal tone, easily distinguished as a second quoted content in Editorial and Branding communicational contexts. Equipped with generous stylistic options controlled by OpenType features as: 17 glyphs variations stored as stylistic sets Standard and Discretionary Ligatures Lining and Old Style Numeral forms Tabular forms Superior and Inferio...